Vego Meal - More Than Just Dirt

Don't just dispose of waste, elevate it. After enjoying a delicious meal, or after tending your garden, convert scraps into "Vego Meal," the
nutrient-rich output from your composter. Whether you use this biologically active amendment to fertilize your garden, or simply toss it, its an
easy way to reduce your footprint on the earth.


Thanks to our innovative VegoTabs, Vego Meal makes a great addition to compost bin and works wonderfully as an amendment to your garden.


No garden? No problem! Vego Meal is great for your lawn and indoor plants as well. The Vego Kitchen Composter is a sustainable way to reduce waste.

Do More, Waste Less


Reduce harmful greenhouse gasses by composting your food waste & avoiding the landfill.


Vego’s composter shrinks waste by up to 90%, making your composting journey easy & mess-free.

A Mode for Every Lifestyle

Do more with Vego! With five modes to choose from, the Vego Composter has a setting to fit every lifestyle and purpose.

Quickly & efficiently produces semi-composted
materials for garden use

Processing time: 9-24 Hours
Uses VegoTabs

Rapid drying and grinding mode that efficiently reduces
waste volume and minimizes odors

Processing time: 2-8 Hours

Quickly & efficiently produces semi-composted
materials for garden use

Processing time: 9-22 Hours
VegoTabs needed (add a new tab with each cycle)

Additional grinding speeds up biodegradation to create
nutrient-rich, ready-to-use organic matter for your lawn

Processing time: 11-24 Hours
VegoTabs needed (add a new tab with each cycle)

Adding water cleans the bucket while use without water
quickly dries the bucket & internal filter

Processing time: 0.5 Hours
Vego Mode
Express Mode
Fertilize Mode
Grass Mode
Clean Mode

Track Your Impact With the Vego App!

Keep track of your composter’s progress and your own carbon footprint with the Vego App!

The Vego App

Track Your Impact With the Vego App!

Keep track of your composter’s progress and your own carbon footprint with the Vego App!


Award-Winning Design

The Vego Composter is the recipient of the Red Dot & IF Design Awards, prestigious accolades that celebrate innovation and excellence in design.

As Seen In

Composting Knowledge

Household Items You Can Compost

Household Items You Can Compost

As a gardening enthusiast, I can tell you firsthand that composting is a great way to reduce waste and nourish your garden, too. You might be surprised at how many household items can be used in the compost bin. As someone who spends a great deal of time outdoors, I can assure you that composting is a great option to boost plant growth, and also a rewarding process. Let’s delve into some common items you can use in your composting journey.  Coffee Grounds and Tea Bags If you love your morning brew, you should know that used coffee grounds are an excellent addition for your compost! They add nitrogen and help balance the carbon from twigs and leaves. They also improve soil structure. Try to avoid flavored coffee grounds, as they might contain unwanted chemicals. Another good option is your tea bags, and they are mostly compostable as long as they’re made from natural fibers.  Fruit and Vegetable Scraps As you may already know, leftover fruit peels, cores, and scraps from veggies are perfect for your compost. Just think carrot tops, leftover veggies, banana peels, or apple cores. They break down quickly, adding valuable nutrients to your compost mix. Tip: Cut down large scraps into small pieces to speed up decomposition. Eggshells After cooking breakfast, don’t toss those eggshells just yet! They are a fantastic source of calcium for your garden. Rinse them off and break them into smaller pieces before adding them to your compost bin. This way, they can decompose efficiently and release essential nutrients into your soil. Nut Shells Crushed nut shells like walnuts, almonds, or pecans add texture to your compost. Nuts may take a bit longer to break down, so crush them down before adding them to your pile. You may want to skip oily nuts like peanuts, as they can attract pests. Paper Products This one might surprise you! Paper products like cardboard, old newspaper, and even paper towels can all go into your compost. They provide the carbon-rich material that balances the nitrogen-rich “greens” in your pile. Do not add anything with inks though. Hair and Fur Not many people know this one, but pet fur and human hair are also great options for your compost. They decompose a bit slower but provide a good dose of nitrogen. Just collect some hair from your brushes or your pet’s grooming leftovers.  Spices and Herbs Another great composting ingredient can be found in the kitchen - your unused spices and dried herbs. These will add a variety of nutrients and can even help repel some garden pests due to their strong aromas.  Tip: Before adding to your compost, check and ensure your herbs are not chemically treated, and your spices have not been mixed with salt or sugar. Things to Avoid There are some household items that cannot be composted. These include meat, dairy, and oily foods, as they will attract pests and create foul odors. Pet waste is also to be avoided, as these contain harmful pathogens. Synthetic materials like rubber or plastics cannot be broken down so they should be avoided too. Composting is an excellent way to transform your household waste into a nutrient-rich resource for your garden. By incorporating the aforementioned household items, you're helping to cut down on landfill waste while also enriching your soil. The key to a successful compost is balance. You should aim for a solid mix of "browns" (carbon-rich materials) and "greens" (nitrogen-rich materials like vegetable scraps). This balance will ensure you don’t have too much of one ingredient - which can throw off the entire process. All in all, composting is a rewarding journey that connects you to the cycle of life. So get out there and get your hands dirty, and watch your compost thrive! Next time you’re in the kitchen or tidying up your house, take a moment to think about what can be composted!   

3 min read

Composting Tips for Fall: Turn Leaves into Gardening Gold

Composting Tips for Fall: Turn Leaves into Gardening Gold

As fall sets in and the trees start to shed their leaves, it’s also the perfect time for composting. If you’re an outdoor lover or green thumb, you will know this is the best time to start enriching  your garden soil for the coming year. Let’s delve into some composting tactics that will help you make the most of the autumn season. Embrace Your Autumn Leaves Don’t start raking those beautiful autumn leaves from your yard into piles just yet - they’re a composting goldmine! You might want to consider adding them to your compost bin. Shredded leaves are ideal as they break down faster, providing a perfect carbon source to balance nitrogen-rich waste like kitchen scraps. Use a lawn mower with a bag attached to shred your leaves quickly and conveniently. This will give you a nice mulch that’s easy to add to your compost pile. Kitchen Scraps are Garden Gold The autumn season means lots of cooking and hearty homemade meals. Don’t throw away your kitchen scraps though - especially fruit or vegetable peels, and coffee grounds. These nitrogen-rich materials are great additions to boost your compost. Remember to avoid adding dairy, meat or oils, as they will attract wildlife and pests. Balance is Crucial  If you’re a green thumb, you will know that a successful compost requires a good balance of "greens" (nitrogen-rich sources) and "browns" (carbon sources). When you add in your autumn leaves, also mix in some kitchen scraps and other greens. The ideal ratio is about 2:1 browns to greens. Example: For every two bags of leaves, toss in a bin of kitchen scraps. This balance will encourage healthy decomposition.   Moist but Not Soggy Fall can be a tricky season for maintaining the right moisture level for your compost pile. Decomposition slows down if your pile is too dry; while you risk creating a smelly mess if it’s too wet. A rule of thumb is to aim for the moisture level of a damp sponge. If the pile gets too dry, add some water; and you can mix in more browns if it’s too moist. Add in Some Manure Animal manure is another fantastic option for enriching your compost if you have access to it. It’s nitrogen-rich and helps speed up decomposition for better composting. Just remember to use composted manure; as fresh manure can be too strong and may damage your plants. Tip: If you're close to a farm or areas with livestock, ask the owners if you can take some off their hands.  Add Some Microbes Microorganisms are often neglected, but they are really the superheroes of composting. They break down organic matter fast, turning it into nutrient-rich fertilizer for your plants. You can also add microbe-rich materials like worm castings, or even some soil from your garden to give your compost pile an extra kick.  Turn It Up During the composting process, it is essential to turn your compost pile to aerate it and speed up decomposition. Autumn is the perfect time to get your hands dirty and take composting to the next level! Use a shovel to turn the pile every few weeks. This will bring more oxygen, which is crucial to allow the microbes to break down your pile.  Consider a Worm Bin If you have limited space or want to speed up your composting even more, consider using a worm bin. Worms love kitchen scraps and can help turn the waste into nutrient-rich vermicompost. They’re relatively easy to manage, and are perfect for fall when outdoor composting slows down.  All in all, fall is a great time for composting and to turn your waste into gold for your garden. By utilizing fallen leaves, kitchen scraps, and even manure, you can create a rich compost that will nourish your plants for months. Start composting today - your garden will thank you for it!  

3 min read

The Ultimate Guide to Secondary Composting: Using Vego Meal for a Thriving Garden

The Ultimate Guide to Secondary Composting: Using Vego Meal for a Thriving Garden

Composting is a gardener's secret weapon for creating nutrient-rich soil that promotes healthy plant growth. But did you know there's more than one way to use compost? Secondary composting is a technique that involves taking compost that is almost—but not quite—finished and using it to improve your garden in various ways. Here, we'll dive into secondary composting and how Vego Meal, the output from the Vego Kitchen Composter, can be a game-changer for your garden. We'll explore how different Vego Composter modes—Vego Mode, Fertilize, and Express—can serve different secondary composting needs. What Is Secondary Composting? Secondary composting, in this case, is the process of taking partially finished compost and applying it to another environment to "finish" or utilize the compost.   Using Vego Meal in Secondary Composting The Vego composter's output, known as Vego Meal, can be used in various secondary composting applications depending on the mode used. Let's break down the modes and how they fit into your secondary composting strategy. Vego Mode: Ready for the Garden The Vego Mode output is the most refined and closest to a finished compost product. It's rich in nutrients, high quality organic matter, and beneficial microbes, making it perfect for direct use in the garden. Because it's nearly finished compost, it's less likely to draw nitrogen away from your plants, allowing you to use it immediately. Direct Application: Simply sprinkle Vego Mode output around your plants or mix it into the top few inches of your soil. This method boosts soil fertility, encourages healthy root development, and improves water retention. Top-Dressing: Use it as a mulch layer around your garden beds. This adds high quality organic matter and nutrients to the soil as it continues to break down. Fertilize Mode: The Compost Activator The Fertilize Mode Vego Meal is ideal for jump-starting new compost piles or revitalizing older, sluggish piles. It contains a high concentration of active microbes that can kickstart the decomposition process. New Compost Piles: If you have a new compost pile with lots of fresh material, such as yard waste or kitchen scraps, add the Fertilize Mode Vego Meal to get things moving. The active microbes will accelerate the breakdown of organic matter, helping you achieve finished compost faster. Older Piles: For compost piles that have slowed down but aren't quite done, adding Fertilize Mode Vego Meal acts as a "finisher." It reintroduces essential microbes to speed up the final stages of decomposition, ensuring a rich and well-balanced compost product. Grass Mode: Feeding Your Lawn Applying Vego Meal directly to your lawn, particularly in the Fertilize Mode, is an excellent way to contribute organic matter and microbial life to your grass. This not only nourishes the lawn but also improves soil structure over time. Grass Clippings: When using a mulching lawn mower, grass clippings are returned to the soil. By adding Vego Meal, you introduce microbes that help convert these clippings into humus—a stable, nutrient-rich form of organic matter. This process, similar to the well known lasagna layering method, replenishes soil organic matter levels, leading to a healthier, more vibrant lawn. Organic Matter Contribution: Even if your mower bags the clippings, applying Vego Meal directly to the lawn adds organic matter back into the soil. This ongoing cycle of adding and breaking down organic matter helps maintain a balanced and thriving lawn ecosystem. Express Mode: Balancing Carbon-Heavy Compost The Express Mode Vego Meal is particularly useful for piles that are too carbon-heavy, like those with excessive yard waste or dried leaves. Balancing Act: In compost piles that are more than 80% carbon-rich materials, adding up to 20% Express Mode Vego Meal helps balance the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, a crucial factor for effective composting. This balance ensures that the pile decomposes efficiently, resulting in high-quality compost. Garden Bed Renewal: At the end of the growing season, when you’ve pulled out old crops and don’t plan to plant for another 4-8 weeks, use Express Mode output to renew your garden beds. This process is similar to sheet composting. Spread a layer of Vego Meal over the bed, let it sit and decompose, and then fork it into the soil. This enriches the soil, replenishing lost nutrients and organic matter. Secondary Composting with Vego Meal: A Tailored Approach The versatility of Vego Meal makes it an essential tool for any gardener aiming to optimize their soil health and garden productivity. Whether you’re looking to add nutrients directly to your garden, activate a new compost pile, enrich your lawn, or balance a carbon-heavy compost mix, The Vego Kitchen Composter has a mode to meet your needs. By incorporating secondary composting practices into your daily routine, you ensure a continuous cycle of soil enrichment that leads to healthier plants, better yields, a more vibrant garden, and a smaller footprint.   Final Thoughts Secondary composting with Vego Meal is an eco-friendly and efficient way to recycle nutrients back into your garden. By understanding how to use the different modes of the Vego composter, you can create a tailor-made composting strategy that supports your garden's unique needs. So, give your soil—and your plants—the boost they deserve with Vego Meal and see the difference it makes in your garden's health and vitality.

4 min read

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