The Ultimate Guide to Secondary Composting: Using Vego Meal for a Thriving Garden

Composting is a gardener's secret weapon for creating nutrient-rich soil that promotes healthy plant growth. But did you know there's more than one way to use compost? Secondary composting is a technique that involves taking compost that is almost—but not quite—finished and using it to improve your garden in various ways. Here, we'll dive into secondary composting and how Vego Meal, the output from the Vego Kitchen Composter, can be a game-changer for your garden. We'll explore how different Vego Composter modes—Vego Mode, Fertilize, and Express—can serve different secondary composting needs.

What Is Secondary Composting?

Secondary composting, in this case, is the process of taking partially finished compost and applying it to another environment to "finish" or utilize the compost.  

Using Vego Meal in Secondary Composting

The Vego composter's output, known as Vego Meal, can be used in various secondary composting applications depending on the mode used. Let's break down the modes and how they fit into your secondary composting strategy.

  1. Vego Mode: Ready for the Garden

The Vego Mode output is the most refined and closest to a finished compost product. It's rich in nutrients, high quality organic matter, and beneficial microbes, making it perfect for direct use in the garden. Because it's nearly finished compost, it's less likely to draw nitrogen away from your plants, allowing you to use it immediately.

Direct Application: Simply sprinkle Vego Mode output around your plants or mix it into the top few inches of your soil. This method boosts soil fertility, encourages healthy root development, and improves water retention.

Top-Dressing: Use it as a mulch layer around your garden beds. This adds high quality organic matter and nutrients to the soil as it continues to break down.
  1. Fertilize Mode: The Compost Activator

The Fertilize Mode Vego Meal is ideal for jump-starting new compost piles or revitalizing older, sluggish piles. It contains a high concentration of active microbes that can kickstart the decomposition process.

New Compost Piles: If you have a new compost pile with lots of fresh material, such as yard waste or kitchen scraps, add the Fertilize Mode Vego Meal to get things moving. The active microbes will accelerate the breakdown of organic matter, helping you achieve finished compost faster.

Older Piles: For compost piles that have slowed down but aren't quite done, adding Fertilize Mode Vego Meal acts as a "finisher." It reintroduces essential microbes to speed up the final stages of decomposition, ensuring a rich and well-balanced compost product.
  1. Grass Mode: Feeding Your Lawn

Applying Vego Meal directly to your lawn, particularly in the Fertilize Mode, is an excellent way to contribute organic matter and microbial life to your grass. This not only nourishes the lawn but also improves soil structure over time.

Grass Clippings: When using a mulching lawn mower, grass clippings are returned to the soil. By adding Vego Meal, you introduce microbes that help convert these clippings into humus—a stable, nutrient-rich form of organic matter. This process, similar to the well known lasagna layering method, replenishes soil organic matter levels, leading to a healthier, more vibrant lawn.

Organic Matter Contribution: Even if your mower bags the clippings, applying Vego Meal directly to the lawn adds organic matter back into the soil. This ongoing cycle of adding and breaking down organic matter helps maintain a balanced and thriving lawn ecosystem.

  1. Express Mode: Balancing Carbon-Heavy Compost

The Express Mode Vego Meal is particularly useful for piles that are too carbon-heavy, like those with excessive yard waste or dried leaves.

Balancing Act: In compost piles that are more than 80% carbon-rich materials, adding up to 20% Express Mode Vego Meal helps balance the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, a crucial factor for effective composting. This balance ensures that the pile decomposes efficiently, resulting in high-quality compost.

Garden Bed Renewal: At the end of the growing season, when you’ve pulled out old crops and don’t plan to plant for another 4-8 weeks, use Express Mode output to renew your garden beds. This process is similar to sheet composting. Spread a layer of Vego Meal over the bed, let it sit and decompose, and then fork it into the soil. This enriches the soil, replenishing lost nutrients and organic matter.

Secondary Composting with Vego Meal: A Tailored Approach

The versatility of Vego Meal makes it an essential tool for any gardener aiming to optimize their soil health and garden productivity. Whether you’re looking to add nutrients directly to your garden, activate a new compost pile, enrich your lawn, or balance a carbon-heavy compost mix, The Vego Kitchen Composter has a mode to meet your needs. By incorporating secondary composting practices into your daily routine, you ensure a continuous cycle of soil enrichment that leads to healthier plants, better yields, a more vibrant garden, and a smaller footprint.


Final Thoughts

Secondary composting with Vego Meal is an eco-friendly and efficient way to recycle nutrients back into your garden. By understanding how to use the different modes of the Vego composter, you can create a tailor-made composting strategy that supports your garden's unique needs. So, give your soil—and your plants—the boost they deserve with Vego Meal and see the difference it makes in your garden's health and vitality.