
Our Story

Garden to Table and Back Again

At Vego, we believe in sustainable living and encourage individuals to do the same. Because gardeners grow their own food, our goal is to give them the tools they need to convert their kitchen waste into compost to nourish their gardens. Vego’s Kitchen Composter is designed to make breaking down food and plant waste a hassle-free experience, with a focus on low noise and user-friendly features.

Vego Garden, our parent company, has always prioritized helping gardeners grow their own produce, save money, and live sustainably. The next step was finding an efficient solution for putting food waste to good use. Now, with Vego’s Kitchen Composter, it can come full circle. Garden to table. Table to Garden.

Our Mission


We are committed to promoting sustainable practices that benefit both individuals and the environment long term.


We strive to develop innovative products that make composting easy and enjoyable for everyone.


We are dedicated to providing high-quality products that meet the needs and expectations of our customers.


Our Team

Our team consists of passionate individuals who are dedicated to promoting sustainable living and empowering
others to do their part. With a diverse range of expertise in gardening, product development, and sustainability,
we work together to bring our vision to life.


Redefining The
Kitchen Composter