Fruit and Vegetable Scraps:
Fruit & vegetable peels and scraps will add nutrients to the compost
Tea & Coffee:
Loose tea and coffee grounds.
Meal Leftovers:
Small quantities of prepared foods like grains, egg shells, fish scraps, meat scraps, sauces, & dairy products (cheese, yogurt, etc)
Herbaceous Houseplants:
Herbaceous plants (as opposed to woody varieties) have soft stems, leaves & flowers (under 2 in.)
Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereals, oats and other grains
Fibrous Waste:
Chopped up corn husks & nut shells.
Sticky Foods:
Honey, maple syrup, jams, nut butters, etc. (in very small amounts).
Unbleached: Food-soiled paper napkins, tea bags, coffee filters
Recycle Instead:
Bleached paper, envelopes, paper boxes, metal, plastics, glass
Meats & Dairy:
Large amounts of chicken, beef, pork, & lamb, excessive cheeses & yogurts.
Fats & Oils:
Solid fats (butter, margarine, lard), cooking oils.
Hard Waste:
Woody plant matter (sticks & branches), salt, hard bones (chicken, beef, pork, lamb, etc), Woody plant matter (sticks & branches), salt, hard bones (chicken, beef, pork, lamb, etc), fruit pits, pineapple heads, walnut shells (toxic to plants)
Synthetic Waste:
Soaps, shampoo & conditioner, packaging, diapers, baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, pet feces, cigarettes, styrofoam, synthetic chemicals (including cleaners, disinfectants, etc)