So You’ve Got Some Compost?Now What?
Fellow gardeners, you will likely agree with me - watching your kitchen scraps transform into rich, dark compost is truly satisfying! Composting is a truly rewarding gardening activity. But once you have finished composting, what’s next? Well, the possibilities are almost endless. Let’s explore some recommended and effective ways to put your nutrient-packed compost to good use in the garden.
Soil Amendment
First and foremost, one of the simplest and most obvious ways to use your compost is as a soil amendment. Adding some compost into your garden beds improves soil structure, boosts nutrient content, and improves drainage. You can work wonders for your garden just by mixing your compost into the top layer of your soil.
When planting new flowers or shrubs, dig a hole in the soil and mix in some compost to give your plants a nutrient-rich boost.
If you want to conserve more moisture and suppress weeds, consider using your compost as mulch. This happens when you add compost around your plants or veggies - it will gradually break down, releasing nutrients to the soil while sealing in moisture.
Top Dressing for Lawns
Consider using your finished compost as a top dressing if you have a lawn. Simply apply a thin layer over your grass. This will help boost water retention, and provide nutrition to your lawn over time. Your compost can suppress weeds, too!
The ideal time to do this is in early spring, when the grass is reawakened from winter dormancy. Your lawn will look amazing and stay vibrant all season long!
Container Gardening
For those of you who are fans of container gardening, finished compost can also be a great addition to your potting mix. Combine potting soil with compost to create a nutrient-rich environment for plant growth. This also improves aeration, drainage, and provides essential nutrients for your potted plants.
Tip: For best results, use a mix of one part compost to three parts potting soil. This is especially good for growing veggies or flowering plants!
Compost Tea
Consider making compost tea if you're looking to use liquid fertilizer. Simply place your finished compost in water for a couple of days, then strain it. The result is a nutrient-rich liquid that can be used to water your plants, for a regular nutrient boost. Your plants will thrive with this added fertilizer.
Seed Starting Mix
Your finished compost can also be used in seed starting mixes. Mixing compost with perlite or vermiculite creates a light, airy medium that encourages seedling growth. To start your seedlings, apply a 1:1 mix of compost and perlite. This mix will promote strong growth for your young plants.
Improving Flower Beds
Flower beds and garden beds can really benefit from some added compost. It nourishes the plants and encourages the presence of beneficial microorganisms in the soil as well.
Apply a thin layer of compost around your flowers in the spring or fall, and watch them thrive throughout the season. Compost is also great for planting fruit trees - just mix it into the backfill soil. This will give your fruit trees a nutrient-rich environment to establish their roots.
Using finished compost is one of the best ways to enhance your garden’s health and improve harvest. Applying compost regularly will not only support your plants, but also promotes a sustainable gardening lifestyle. So, there you have it, fellow gardeners. Get creative and start using your compost in your gardening routine. Your plants will thank you for it!